

Display Options

Central Ocean

Area Name ▼ Flags Port Directions Gate Posts Beastiary Primary Alignment Min Level Max Level Notes Reverse Directions Autopilot Level Copy as JSON
Arsataw Yaa 🗺️ 𝑥 The Tropica Dock
- Unknown {"ArsatawYaa":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒
Sea Castle 𝑥 The Tropica Dock
ne; u;
ne; u;
- Evil {"SeaCastle":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒

N Ocean

Area Name ▼ Flags Port Directions Gate Posts Beastiary Primary Alignment Min Level Max Level Notes Reverse Directions Autopilot Level Copy as JSON
Sea Devil Foray The Arkania Port
3s; se; s; se; s; 2se; 2e; ne; 5se; 3e; enter reef; d; s; d; ne; 2e; se; s; 3e;
s; s; s; se; s; se; s; se; se; e; e; ne; se; se; se; se; se; e; e; e; enter reef; d; s; d; ne; e; e; se; s; e; e; e;
sahuagin; Evil {"SeaDevilForay":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒
Sh'lanira Belian The Arkania Port
- Directions Unknown -
- Unknown {"ShlaniraBelian":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒

NE Ocean

Area Name ▼ Flags Port Directions Gate Posts Beastiary Primary Alignment Min Level Max Level Notes Reverse Directions Autopilot Level Copy as JSON
Crystal Spire 𝑥 Main Port of Icewall
ne; e; ne; 2n; ne; 5n; ne; n; 3se; s; se; w;
ne; e; ne; n; n; ne; n; n; n; n; n; ne; n; se; se; se; s; se; w;
greeter; Unknown {"CrystalSpire":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒
Glonnoil Fjord 𝑥 Main Port of Icewall
ne; e; ne; 2n; ne; 5n; ne; n; 3se; s;
ne; e; ne; n; n; ne; n; n; n; n; n; ne; n; se; se; se; s;
tern; seapig; selkie; Mixed {"GlonnoilFjord":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒
Puxnu'kiza ip Kupux 𝑥 Unknown
- Directions Unknown -
- Unknown {"PuxnukizaIpKupux":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒

NW Ocean

Area Name ▼ Flags Port Directions Gate Posts Beastiary Primary Alignment Min Level Max Level Notes Reverse Directions Autopilot Level Copy as JSON
Beleg'luin Aelin 𝑥 Unknown
- Directions Unknown -
- Unknown {"BelegluinAelin":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒

S Ocean

Area Name ▼ Flags Port Directions Gate Posts Beastiary Primary Alignment Min Level Max Level Notes Reverse Directions Autopilot Level Copy as JSON
Dead Man's Cove The Port of Althainia
w; 2s; sw; w; sw; 3w; sw; 3w; nw; w; 2nw; 2sw; 3w; 2n; d; find the Find the northern area to swim up, then northwest/north to the docks;
w; s; s; sw; w; sw; w; w; w; sw; w; w; w; nw; w; nw; nw; sw; sw; w; w; w; n; n; d; find Find the northern area to swim up, then northwest/north to the docks;
nexus to merchild, gate to cabin boy; Evil You can enter some vegetation to dig up a skeleton, some traps {"DeadMansCove":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒
Sunken Junk 𝑥 The Port of Shokono
3sw; 2s; sw; 4s; se; 3e; d;
sw; sw; sw; s; s; sw; s; s; s; s; se; e; e; e; d;
- Unknown {"SunkenJunk":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒
Tirixin Belian 𝑥 The Port of Althainia
- Directions Unknown -
- Unknown {"TirixinBelian":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒

SE Ocean

Area Name ▼ Flags Port Directions Gate Posts Beastiary Primary Alignment Min Level Max Level Notes Reverse Directions Autopilot Level Copy as JSON
Caverns 𝑥 The Beach
2s; e; 17s;
s; s; e; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s;
bat; Unknown {"Caverns":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒
Crimson Defiant The Arkania Port
3s; se; s; se; s; se; 2sw; 4s; e; 17s; e; s; w; s; e; s; e; n; 7e; s; e; 7s; enter gangplank;
s; s; s; se; s; se; s; se; sw; sw; s; s; s; s; e; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; e; s; w; s; e; s; e; n; e; e; e; e; e; e; e; s; e; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; enter gangplank;
- Unknown To obtain the treasure, you must defeat the captain in battle {"CrimsonDefiant":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒
Faeron Wood 𝑥 The Beach
2s; e; 17s; e; s; w; s; e; s; e; n; 7e;
s; s; e; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; e; s; w; s; e; s; e; n; e; e; e; e; e; e; e;
warg; Unknown {"FaeronWood":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒
Grell Hunters 𝑥 The Beach
3e; 2s; e; s; e; 3s; 2e; n; e; se;
e; e; e; s; s; e; s; e; s; s; s; e; e; n; e; se;
female hunter; Good {"GrellHunters":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒
Loodvich's Dungeon 𝑥 The Beach
3e; 2s; e; s; e; 3s; 2e; n; 8e; 5s; e;
e; e; e; s; s; e; s; e; s; s; s; e; e; n; e; e; e; e; e; e; e; e; s; s; s; s; s; e;
mordron; Unknown Loodvich gives an optional quest to poison the king witha potion of Super Giant Strength. You must give the potion to the king, then the blue gem to Loodvich. {"LoodvichsDungeon":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒
Lost Clouds 𝑥 Unknown
- Directions Unknown -
- Unknown {"LostClouds":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒
Lost Lands of Kazaxda The Beach
2s; e; 14s; w; nw; 2n; 5w;
s; s; e; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; w; nw; n; n; w; w; w; w; w;
- Evil {"LostLandsOfKazaxda":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒
Mountain Path 𝑥 Unknown
- Directions Unknown -
- Unknown {"MountainPath":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒
Roully Bab Binb 𝑥 The Arkania Port
- a crystal sea dragon , a giant sea turtle , a horned narwhal , a scared glowing fish , a singing siren Unknown {"RoullyBabBinb":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [{"name":"a crystal sea dragon","race":"crystal dragon","continent":256,"area_id":"RoullyBabBinb","alignment":4,"gender":"male","level":40,"damage_dice":"4d8","damage_min":4,"damage_max":32,"damage_avg":16.0,"damage_type":8,"damage_type_string":"claw","resistances":["charm","mental","disease"],"vulnerabilities":["summon","fire","negative"],"affects":["infrared","flying","haste"],"offensive_tactics":["bash","berserk","disarm","dodge","fast","parry"],"gold":0,"silver":0,"CreatureType":0},{"name":"a giant sea turtle","race":"reptile","continent":256,"area_id":"RoullyBabBinb","alignment":4,"gender":"female","level":45,"damage_dice":"8d4","damage_min":8,"damage_max":32,"damage_avg":16.0,"damage_type":4,"damage_type_string":"blast","resistances":["slashing"],"offensive_tactics":["bash","berserk"],"gold":0,"silver":0,"CreatureType":0},{"name":"a horned narwhal","race":"whale","continent":256,"area_id":"RoullyBabBinb","alignment":8,"gender":"female","level":25,"damage_dice":"2d10","damage_min":2,"damage_max":20,"damage_avg":10.0,"damage_type":20,"damage_type_string":"pierce","vulnerabilities":["summon","charm","drowning"],"affects":["haste"],"offensive_tactics":["bash","berserk","disarm","dodge","assist_vnum"],"inventory":["a unicorn horn"],"gold":0,"silver":0,"CreatureType":0},{"name":"a scared glowing fish","race":"fish","continent":256,"area_id":"RoullyBabBinb","alignment":8,"gender":"female","level":8,"damage_dice":"1d7","damage_min":1,"damage_max":7,"damage_avg":4.0,"damage_type":33,"damage_type_string":"suction","immunities":["drowning"],"resistances":["drowning","mental"],"affects":["pass door"],"offensive_tactics":["bash","berserk","dodge","assist_race"],"gold":0,"silver":0,"CreatureType":0},{"name":"a singing siren","race":"unique","continent":256,"area_id":"RoullyBabBinb","alignment":8,"gender":"female","level":53,"damage_dice":"5d8","damage_min":5,"damage_max":40,"damage_avg":20.0,"damage_type":26,"damage_type_string":"slap","immunities":["summon","charm","tornado","drowning"],"resistances":["lightning","mental"],"offensive_tactics":["area attack","berserk","dodge"],"gold":0,"silver":0,"CreatureType":0}] 🗒
Ruins of Areth-Va 𝑥 The Beach
2s; e; 7s;
s; s; e; s; s; s; s; s; s; s;
grell; Unknown {"RuinsOfArethVa":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒
Stygian Sea The Arkania Port
2sw; d;
sw; sw; d;
- Good {"ShlaniraBelian":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒
Zaven Fishing Village 𝑥 The Beach
2s; e; 17s; e; s; w; s; e; s; e; n; 7e; s; e; 7s;
s; s; e; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; e; s; w; s; e; s; e; n; e; e; e; e; e; e; e; s; e; s; s; s; s; s; s; s;
- Unknown {"ZavenFishingVillage":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒
Zaven Island 𝑥 The Tropica Dock
2se; 3s; 4e; 2s;
se; se; s; s; s; e; e; e; e; s; s;
- Unknown {"ZavenIsland":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒

SW Ocean

Area Name ▼ Flags Port Directions Gate Posts Beastiary Primary Alignment Min Level Max Level Notes Reverse Directions Autopilot Level Copy as JSON
Baaren Gaer 𝑥 The Tropica Dock
sw; w; nw; w; nw; 4w; sw; w; 2sw; 2s; 5sw; 2d;
sw; w; nw; w; nw; w; w; w; w; sw; w; sw; sw; s; s; sw; sw; sw; sw; sw; d; d;
crustacx; meridian; honey bee; Neutral {"BaarenGaer":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒
Dreadwood Forest 𝑥 The Tropica Dock
- Directions Unknown -
- Good {"DreadwoodForest":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒
Lutsa Rusul 𝑥 The Tropica Dock
- Directions Unknown -
- Unknown {"LutsaRusul":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒
Taidra Memorial Stadium 𝑥 The Tropica Dock
- Directions Unknown -
- Unknown {"TaidraMemorialStadium":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒
Volcanic Ridge 𝑥 The Port of Althainia
w; 2s; sw; w; sw; 3w; 4s; 3n; u; 2n;
w; s; s; sw; w; sw; w; w; w; s; s; s; s; n; n; n; u; n; n;
- Good {"VolcanicRidge":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒
Volcano Island 𝑥 👕 The Port of Althainia
w; 2s; sw; w; sw; 2w; s; d;
w; s; s; sw; w; sw; w; w; s; d;
cobia; devil ray; mako; amberjack; Good {"VolcanoIsland":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒
White Moon Isle The Tropica Dock
sw; w; nw; w; nw; 4w; sw; w; 2sw; 3s; 2se; 4e; 3sw;
sw; w; nw; w; nw; w; w; w; w; sw; w; sw; sw; s; s; s; se; se; e; e; e; e; sw; sw; sw;
horseshoe crab; flying gecko; Good {"WhiteMoonIsle":{"autopilot_start_room":"Undefined Start Room","speedwalk_to_start_room":"","area_required_actions":[],"dirs":[],"allowed_mobs":[]}} [] 🗒