Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Secondary Attribute: Wisdom
Boost / Gimps
Armor: Cloth
Is CSR? True
Required Allegiances: Shadow
Required Races: Human
Creation Skill / Spell / Song Groups
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Help File: help shadowmage shadowmage Long ago, the warlocks and witches of Storm Keep claimed that the Gray Robes' Magic did not stem from Drakkara, but from Necrucifer himself. Drakkara punished the Gray Robes, and made it known that She was the source of the magical power of all Evil, including that of Storm Keep. In the mists of time when Necrucifer fought with Austinian, the blood of Necrucifer tainted the rivers and oceans and its very essence permeated everywhere in the land. In an effort to find his way back to Algoron, Necrucifer found a way awaken the presence of His fallen blood on Algoron by using it to harness the wild magic of warlocks and make it His own. Now Evil can claim that their hold on magic is stronger. The Gray Robes of Storm Keep have retained the ability to steal the magic of other professions through the wild magic of brewing, making them natural enemies of the Conclave as a renegade school of magic.