Half Ogre

Primary Attribute Modifier: 8

Secondary Attribute Modifier: 4

Is Large Race: True

Racial Abilities: Fast Healing

Click to show help file

Help File: Crossbreeds between humans and ogres, they look like humans but are slightly
larger.  They resemble human throwbacks to the time of caves and clubs. 
They are not as intelligent as humans but more intelligent than ogres.  They
do carry their ogre blood vulnerability to mental attacks.  They get fast
healing for free.

Available Class Stats

Boosts: 10, Gimps: 10, Normal: 16, Total Playable: 36

Restricted Classes

Warrior Types:


Thief Types:


Cleric Types:

Confessor, Paladin, Runesmith, Shadowknight

Mage Types:

Eldritch, Shadowmage