Protection Evil
Ability Type
Balanx Default, Battlemage Default, Cleric Default, Confessor Default, Crusader Default, Demon Default, Druid Default, Eldritch Default, Enchantor Default, Giant Basics, Illusionist Default, Invoker Default, Mage Default, Priest Default, Protective, Runesmith Default, Shadowmage Default, Shaman Default, Warlock Default, Witch Default, Wujen Default
Help File
help 'Protection Evil' 'PROTECTION GOOD' 'PROTECTION EVIL' 'PROTECTION NEUTRAL' 'PROTECTION GOOD' 'PROTECTION EVIL' 'PROTECTION NEUTRAL' Syntax: cast 'protection evil' cast 'protection good' cast 'protection neutral' The protection spells reduce damage taken from attackers of the appropriate ethos, and improve saving throws against all forms of magic. They may not be cast on others, and one person cannot carry both defenses at the same time.