Ability Type
Balanx Default, Battlemage Default, Bladesinger Default, Cleric Default, Confessor Default, Crusader Default, Demon Default, Eldritch Default, Enchantor Default, Giant Basics, Illusionist Default, Invoker Default, Mage Default, Mentalist Default, Necromancer Default, Priest Default, Runesmith Default, Shadowmage Default, Transmuter Default, Transportation, Warlock Default, Witch Default, Wujen Default
Help File
help 'Nexus' 'NEXUS' NEXUS Syntax: cast 'nexus' <target> This spell is virtually identical to portal (see 'help portal'), with the only difference being that while portal creates a one-way gate, a nexus spell makes a two-sided gate. It also lasts longer than the lower-powered portal spell. Both spells require an additional power source, the secret of which has been lost... This spell can traverse the boundries of continents.