Magic Missile

Ability Type



Battlemage Default, Bladesinger Default, Combat, Demon Default, Enchantor Default, Giant Basics, Illusionist Default, Invoker Default, Mage Default, Mentalist Default, Necromancer Default, Transmuter Default, Wujen Default

Help File

help 'Magic Missile'

Syntax: cast 'magic missile' <target>

One newly trained in the arts of magical combat learns this spell quickly in
their studies.  The casting of magic missile provides the barest of
offensive abilities in magical combat.  

When cast, this spell appears before the target as a series of projectiles
of energy, flashing forth from the hands of the caster.  

See also - COMBAT 

As this spell levels, it will cast additional projectiles. At level 15 you will be able to range this spell.