Grenade Toss
Ability Type
Pirate Default
Help File
grenade castiron glass pistolball stinkball gignite gtoss GRENADE CASTIRON GLASS PISTOLBALL STINKBALL GIGNITE GTOSS Syntax: gignite <grenadetype> Syntax: gtoss <direction> <target> Only pirates can use grenades. There are four types of grenade a pirate can carry in his or her arsenal, and each kind provides a different type of area effect. Cast Iron: These grenades do a small amount of explosive damage, followed by shrapnel damage. Glass: Glass grenades cause concussive damage, stunning and deafening your opponent for a short amount of time. Pistolball: Pistolball grenades are packed with shot, so they do a large amount of damage in one short burst. Stinkball: The gases emitted from the stinkball are enough to drive an opponent out of the room. The eye-watering effect also makes it more difficult for him or her to accurately hit in a fight. Goblins, hobgoblins and bugbears enjoy the stench, so the stinkball has no effect on them.