
Ability Type



Battlemage Default, Bladesinger Default, Combat, Demon Default, Enchantor Default, Giant Basics, Illusionist Default, Invoker Default, Mage Default, Mentalist Default, Necromancer Default, Transmuter Default, Wujen Default

Help File

help Blizzra

Syntax: cast 'blizzra' <direction> <target>
        cast 'blizzra' <target>

Provided as a counterpart to the fireball, the blizzra spell offers much the
same potential for massive damage to an opponent.  And, just as the fireball
finds particular effectiveness against those vulnerable to flame, so too
does the blizzra to those vulnerable to cold.  

As well, it is possible to cast across distances, also allowing the caster
to direct the damage over ranges against opponents.  

See also - COMBAT 

At level 15 you will be able to range this spell.