Ability Type
Balanx Basics, Balanx Default, Battlemage Default, Demon Default, Enchantor Default, Giant Basics, Giant Extras, Illusionist Default, Invoker Default, Mage Default, Mentalist Default, Necromancer Default, Transmuter Default, Warlock Default, Witch Default
Help File
help astrology ASTROLOGY ASTROLOGY Syntax: automatic use Astrology can be used in conjunction with the 'lunar' or 'look moons' command to derive more information about the moons. Those who are very proficient with astrology can discern the phase of moons that are not visible, predict the rising of a given moon, and even predict solar and lunar eclipses. High level astrologers can also see the specific game effects of the moons when using the 'lunar' command. Being a purely scholarly discipline, astrology is available only to mages and clerics. Dragons may eventually learn it. see also: MOONS PHASES