Balanx Default
Group Type
Age, Alchemy, Armor, Astrology, Bless, Blind Fighting, Blindness, Call Lightning, Calm, Cancellation, Change Sex, Climbing, Continual Light, Control Weather, Create Food, Create Holy Symbol, Create Rose, Create Spring, Create Tree, Create Water, Cure Blindness, Cure Bugbear Bite, Cure Critical, Cure Disease, Cure Fatigue, Cure Light, Cure Poison, Cure Serious, Curse, Detect Evil, Detect Good, Detect Hidden, Detect Invis, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Dig, Disarm, Dispel Fog, Dispel Magic, Dodge, Energy Drain, Enhanced Damage, Faerie Fire, Faerie Fog, Farsight, Fast Healing, Fireproof, Floating Disc, Fly, Focus, Fog, Fourth Attack, Frenzy, Gate, Giant Strength, Hand to Hand, Haste, Heal, Heart Blight, Herbal, Holy Word, Identify, Illumination, Imbue, Infravision, Invisibility, Kick, Know Alignment, Know Languages, Know Religion, Light Foot, Lightning Bolt, Locate Object, Lore, Magewind, Mass Healing, Mass Invis, Meditation, Mountaineering, Nexus, Parry, Pass Door, Peek, Plague, Poison, Portal, Protection Cold, Protection Evil, Protection Fire, Protection Good, Protection Neutral, Proximity Dispel, Recall, Refresh, Refresh, Remove Curse, Remove Trap, Riding, Sanctuary, Scroll, Second Attack, Self Projection, Shield, Slow, Spellcraft, Staves, Stone Skin, Summon, Swim, Swim, Teleport, Third Attack, Time Stop, Tornado, Ventriloquate, View, Wands, Water Breathing, Waypoint, Weaken, Word of Recall